These are the broadcasters from left to right James Walkalike, Matt Scoresby, Ben Uphirforrawile and Kyle Desumbodi

 James Walkalike

Is always on the go from the Amazon to Tim's Treadmills. He is being hunted py polce helicopters with buzzsaws because of crimes he commited in Iraqirankanistan


 Matt Scoresby

Does the sports report for all sports including bubble blowing, puma wrestling and chess, his pesonal favourite. He also does the jingle for Sarah's sunflowers and in his dayjob makes lizard milk for orphans.

 Ben Uphirforrawile

Does the stations Eye in the Sky traffic report from a helicopter he stole from Muhammed Ali back in the 60s. He also wrote the novel "The toad races of Erkemshire avenues railway crossing available at all Low Budget bookstores and the houses of bankrupt people.

 Kyle Desumbodi

Is the main reporter who has all the scopp on his special subject "Murders" mostly because he commits most of them! His other names are Jesse James, Jack the ripper, Attila the Hun, Ned Kelly and many many more. Around 6.